Zuimaco Language

acu = eye
agucat = monkey
aji = hot pepper
ama = river or body of water
ana = flower
anana = pineapple
anacaona = golden flower
anani = water flower
anaiboa = sweet drink
aneke = why?
anki = evil person
ao'n = dog
apito = infinite
ar'a =people
ara = bird called guacamayo
aracoel = grandmother
ara'guaca = dance
ara'guacu = the sacred people
areito = a traditional dances with spoken historic songs
arepa =corn cake
ari = invader
arijua = foreigner
arike = line ( carrying line)
atobey = mother zuimaco

baba = father
bagua = sea
baira = bow
bajacu = dawn, sunlight
bajari = is a title of distinction and high respect
bana = greatness or great place
baneke = why you?
bara = kill or death
bara yucubia = rain for the plants
baracutey = solitary, an animal or person who travel alone
barbaco = four legged tower
barbicu = meat roasting
batata = potato
batey = scared game
batu = ball
bi = life, being first
bibi = mother
bieke = small land
bija = red body paint
bijao = thatch roof made from leaves
bijirita = cooing bird
bimini = life of the spring waters
bo = great, greatness or big
boba = serpent
bociba = great stone
bohiti = spiritual leader
boniata = sweet yuca
boria = work
borike = great land of noble lord
boya = evil spirit
bure'n = a flat plate
buticaco = shifty eyes
bo = round
BO' = great lord
Bo'jike = great lord of the forest and zuimaco
Bohio = roundhouse
Boricu'a = the valiant people of teh sacred house
busica guaki'a = give to us

cacike = chief
cacibajagua = the black cave
cacona = reward
caguama = big sea turtle
caguana = the fertility mother
caicu = reef or little island land bridge
calichi = fountain of the high moutain
cajay = female shark
ca'n = centre
canari = bole
caney = long house, house of the elders
canoa = small boat
canocum = 3
canona = yellow gold
caracuri = nose jewellery
carey = green sea turtle
cari = island of the valiant
carib = strong man
caribe = brave man
casabi = bread like food
catey = disturb, brother
cayajabo = a red colour with out a shine
cayaya = shrub
cayo = a pass between islands
cayuci = boat made of one piece of wood
cemi = forehead of the lord
chicha = beer
ciba = stone
cibao = stone mountain
cibuca'n = extractor or squeezer
cike'o = land of the stone mountain
cimu = persons forehead
coba = sea shell
cocuyo = small lighting bug
cohoba = sacred ceremonial snuff, made from seeds from the sacred trees
coki = tree frog meaning 'tree spirit of zuimaco'
colibri = hummingbird
conu'co = farmlands or gardens for planting
cori = guinea pig
cu' = sacred. sacred place
cucubano = large lighting bug
cuey = sacred object
cuyo = light
cha'gara = small black river.
choreto = abundance
chemi'n = totem

da = i or my
daco = i am
daca-ababa = i am a father
daca-tatino = i am good
dajao = river fish
datiao = my friend or i am a friend
datijao = my lord
digo = soap, its made from a plant to wash the body
dita = eating bowl
dujo = chair, a ceremonial chief chair

Ector = soft corn such as sweetcorn
eieri = men
eracra =house

fotuto = sea shell trumpet

goeiz = the spirit of a living person
gua = high ranking people
gu'aba = spider
guabasa = the fruit that is eaten, also means sustain the dead in the after life
gua'kia baba = our father
guami'ke'ni = lord of zuimaco and water
guami'caraya guey = lord of moon and sun
guaca = region or nearness
gua'cara = cave or the region of the birth place
guada = garden
guaiba' = go or leave
guaiba = boy or small infant
guitiao = friend or friends
guajey = musical instrument
guake'te = gathering or joining
gua' kia = we or our
guama = head man of a tribe
guama' = large shade tree
guami = lord or sir
guami' ke'ni = the lord of the land and water
guami'ke'na = the great lord
guamo = treumpet made from large sea shell
guanajo = the turkey
guani = the bee humming bird
guan'i = noble man
guanime = little round ball of food
guara = the place
guaraguao = red tailed bird
guare = twins
guarico = come or come here
guaroco = remembrance or to know
guata = lier or lie
guatiao = exchanging of names
guau = fire
guay = ouch
guayo = grater
guazabra = war or warrior
guey = sun

haiti = is the name of a island
hamaca = hanging bed
han = yes
ham han  = yes this way
han-ha'n catu = yes let it be this way
hekiti = 1
hupia = spirit of a dead person
hura = wind
huraca'n = centre of the wind
hutia = rabbit

i' = spirit
iguana = large green lizard
iguaca = green parrot
i'naru' = woman or spirit of woman
inriri= wood peaker
i'ro = man or spirit of man
ita = red
ita' = i dont know

ja = wow
jaba = basket to carry things
jagua = black dye, also fruit from the tree that makes black dye
jaiba = river crab
ja'tibonicu = the great high place of sacred waters
jeiticacu= black eyes
jeje = mozquito
joba = forest
jobe = sieve
jibiria = watermelon
jico = cord or rope
jicotea - land turtle
jimagua = twins or two people who look alike
jujo = snake

kachi = sun
kai = norishment
karaya = moon
ke' = land
ki = plant spirit
ku'= place of worship

li = him, they or them
liani = wife
liren = fruit
luki'yo = spirit of the white mountain

ma = big
mabi - a refreshing drink
maboya = big evil or great evil spirit
mabuya = ghost
macana = war club
maca = tree
maca-buca = what do i care?
macu' = big eyes
macuto = deep basket
magu'ey = big sun or a drum
mahite = toothless
maja = big snake
manaya = hatchet, of stone
manati = big woman of the great spirit of waters
manicato = a bold person, valiant of good heart
matu'm = generosity
matu'n = generous
mayohuaca'n = sacred ceremonial drum
mime = little fly
mini = fountain or spring of water
moin = blood
mui = head
mucare = bird of moonlight hours

n= noble
na = thing
naca'n = centre
naiboa = poison juice
naje = oar
nana = girl
na-neka = why me?
nanichi = my heart or my love
naniki = spirit or to be active
natiao = brothers or brothers as in a family
ni = water
nigua = insect similar to a flee
nitayno = sub-chief

o= mountain
ocama = listen
ocama-quay-ari'daneke = hear me. Hey! my people?
oconuco = mountain farmland
operi'to = dead, or spirit of a person when they are dead
opi'a = spirit
osama = attention
oubao-moin = island of blood

pirayua = war boat
pu = scaret red

qu'emi = large rabbit

ra = place of birth
rahe = daughter
rahu - children
ri = valiant, valour, brave spirit
ris = red
roco = remember or know

sabana = big value or large plain
sanaco = clown, dope or stupid
sao = small plain
sarobey = cotton
serra = barter or exchange
siani = married woman

taicaraya = good night or good moon
taiguey = good day or good sun
taino = good
taino-ti'bo matu'm = good high big and generous
taino-ti = may the good great spirit be with you
taiuaitiao = good friends
tanama = butterfly
tatagua = ear jewellery
tau - hello or hi
tei-toca = stay still
ti = hight, highness, tall or big spirit
tibisi = vegetable
tiburon = shark
tonina = dolphine
tuna = of water
ture = chair
turey = sky
tureygua = celestial
turey toca = who is in the sky

ua = no
uara' = you
uicu = a drink

warishe = woman
wu'a = NO! as a strong emphasis

Yabisi = tree
yarima = anus
yaguasa = duck
yamoca' = 2
yamoca'n = 3
yara = place
yarabi = small place
yarari = a fine place
yari - small jewellery
yamuy = cat
y'ay'a = the creator or great spirit
yaya' = spirit of the tree
yayael = son of yaya
yayama = pineapple
ynoa = poisonous juice
y'ocahu = spirit of the sacred mountain
yu' = white
yucayeke = willage
y'u'kei'o = sacred spirit of the white mountain
yuke'io han = spirit of the whit mountain yes
yuke' = white planet
yuke = belt

zi = this, that
zinato = irritated
zuimaco = name of the moon they live on
zum-zum = another name for a humming bird